has 3000 hours in League of Legends
Nicolas is a passionate artificial intelligence engineer with a background from ETH Zurich and Disney Research. He loves to work on state-of-the-art AI and is now bringing his knowledge into our products.
Washed Rocket League GC
Kyrill leads the development of technology outside of AI, focusing on game integration, and infrastructure. With a deep understanding of software engineering and user experience, he ensures that our tools are both powerful and user-friendly, seamlessly connecting complex systems with intuitive design.
I need healing
Jan has the perfect combination of business and tech skills. After graduating magna cum laude with a degree in CS and Business, he pursued a Master in Artificial Intelligence at ETH Zurich.
holds multiple mhr lance world records
Jannik studied at ETH Zurich, where he successfully completed the Gamelab course. With a deep passion for gaming and problem-solving, he brings extensive knowledge in AI, game, and web development.